Chiropractic is a natural form of healthcare focusing on the relationship between nervous system and the body. Chiropractic is the largest non-surgical, non-drug primary healthcare system in the world.
How it works...
Our Nervous System is a vast communication system made up of nerves, some travelling in big pathways like the spinal cord, carrying signals to and from the brain. The brain processes information from all our sensory systems, from the eyes, ears, nose, from touch and taste.
It uses this information to interpret what is happening in our environment.
Importantly, the brain also receives information from joints and muscles of the body. With this information, the brain builds a picture of our body that it uses to direct the workings and movement of all our body parts.
This brain-body connection allows us to function in a balanced and coordinated way, to accurately interpret information and to respond optimally to the world around us.
What about the bones?
The joints that connect the midline of our bony skeleton - the spine, the pelvis, the cranial system and the muscles and soft tissues around them play a special role in the brain-body connection.
They provide us with postural support and allow us to move well. They also protect the delicate tissues of the central nervous system. Information from these midline joints provide a rich source of sensory input to the brain. Millions of signals from these joints constantly inform the brain about where we are in space and how we are moving. The brain processes this information and uses it to guide us in our movement.
Distortions in these joints and their soft tissues can upset our stability and movement and cause pain. These distortions are sometimes referred to as “subluxations”. Chiropractors are the most skilled professionals at assessing and correcting these postural and movement distortions.
Chiropractors ‘adjust’ the spine and other joints to restore balance and improve movement and function.